الأربعاء، 7 سبتمبر 2011

Witness "Humanitarianism" at its best format.... (4 minutes video)قصة شاب عراقي وجدته امرأة استرالية في دار للايتام في العراق


Witness "Humanitarianism" at its best format....

An amazing performance from an amazing person, check out Emmanuel's version of the John Lennon classic Imagine.
A story about an Iraqi Australian guy found by an Australian woman in an Orphans house in Iraq with his younger brother hand-cut, She took them to Australia for Surgery and then she felt in love with them as her own sons and raised them, now this Older brother guy called Emmanuel Kelly have come to the X Factor's Audition and then he amazed everyone who saw him singing or just standing still. Thank you Mother Kelly, there’re very few people in this world like you sadly.
هذه قصة شاب عراقي استرالي الجنسية وجدته امرأة استرالية في دار للايتام في العراق مع اخوه مقطعين اليدين فأخذتهم الى استراليا لتعالجهم فأحبتهم كانهم من لحمها و دمها و الاخ الاكبر المسمى (ايمانويل) قد شارك في اكثر برامج العالم شهرة و قد نال موافقة جميع الحكام في هذا البرنامج و قد ابكى جميع من شاهده

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